{% extends 'base.html.twig' %} {% block title %}Medical Tourism Insurance in Mexico | Novamar Insurance {% endblock %} {% block metas %} {# {{app.robots|raw}} #} {% if distributorLink != 'insurance' %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block css %} {{encore_entry_link_tags('animateCSS')}} {{encore_entry_link_tags('stepsCSS')}} {# Para select de phone number #} {{encore_entry_link_tags('intlTelInputCSS')}} {{encore_entry_link_tags('medTourismCSS')}} {% endblock %} {% block body %} {% if distributorLink == 'insurance' %}
Medical Tourism agencies and facilitators are an important part of the medical tourism industry, helping patients to get the best medical services in México.
Countries like Mexico, Colombia or Argentina offer medical and dental procedures at much lower cost and can often respond to patients needs more quickly than in a patient’s home country. A very warm and friendly culture, beautiful cities and beaches on which to recuperate, and the quality of medical services make medical tourism very attractive for patients and companies in the industry. But a concern arises:
All surgeries, no matter how minor, have inherent risks and possibly additional expenses. While surgeons and hospital staff take precautions to minimize the possibility of a complication, they can still happen due to the natural conditions of a patient. Because your procedure is self-paid, you will also be required to cover additional expenses should a complication occur during the procedure. Therefore, a Medical Tourism Insurance Policy is as important as your passport.
Our Medical Tourism Insurance Policy provides you the peace of mind you deserve by covering the extra medical, hospital and lodging expenses resulting from a medical complication that occurs during a covered treatment and offers the highest coverage limit for a policy of its kind in the world. Thus providing the necessary peace of mind to patients, hospitals and doctors.
These are some of the benefits offered by our policy:
For more information about our medical tourism insurance in Mexico, please Contact Us.