{{ form_label(form.adultsPax, 'Amount of passengers traveling in a range of age 0-75') }}
{{ form_errors(form.adultsPax) }}
{{ form_widget(form.adultsPax, {'attr':{'class':'form-control quoteField', 'placeholder': 'Enter the number of adult passengers', 'tabindex' : '10'}} ) }}
{{ form_label(form.seniorPax, 'Amount of passengers traveling in a range of age 76-86') }}
{{ form_errors(form.seniorPax) }}
{{ form_widget(form.seniorPax, {'attr':{'class':'form-control quoteField', 'placeholder': 'Enter the number of senior passengers', 'tabindex' : '11'}} ) }}
Cancellation: In case of a cancellation this must be done at the most three days before the policy effective date of the policy, retuning 50% of the total premium paid. After the specified date, the policy may be canceled without the right to receive a refund of the premium paid.
{# {% if pageConfig != 'OF' and pageConfig != 'FANDL' %} #}
Enhance your travel experiences knowing you and your budget are protected from the unexpected - for a fraction of your trip cost.
With travel insurance, you can get help finding - and paying for - appropriate care in a covered medical emergency.
With 24-hour expert assistance for solving medical and other travel-related problems on the go, you can enjoy more freedom to explore.
Features of our México Travel Insurance Coverage
Medical Coverage for illness and/or accident
COVID Coverage included
Direct Payment with the best local Hospital and Clinics
Zero deductible and no copayment policy
Maximum limits from US$25,000 up to 350,000
Trip Cancellation Expenses
Emergency Medical Assistance up to US$350,000
Emergency Medical Transportation
Emergency local ambulance
Emergency Dental Treatment
Medical Repatriation
Hospital Extension
Transfer of a relative
Hotel expenses of a relative
Registered Baggage Shipping
Lost of Registered luggage
Legal Assistance in case of Traffic Accident
Third Party Liability
Accidental Death
24/7 Medical & Travel assistance services
Ages: From 0 to 75 yrs (up to 86 yrs old special quote)
Personal Liability
Repatriation or return of mortal remains
Extended Care facility
Medical Evacuation & Repatriation
Transport & Adult Companion for Children
Early Return of the Insured in case of Death of direct relative
Early Return of the Insured in case of Hospitalization of direct relative