{% if app.environment == 'prod' %} {% endif %} {% block metas %}{% endblock %} {% set maintenance = true %} {# Bootstrap css #} {# Iconos font awsome css #} {{encore_entry_link_tags('mainCSS')}} {{encore_entry_link_tags('footerCSS')}} {{encore_entry_link_tags('headerCSS')}} {{encore_entry_link_tags('generalCSS')}} {{ script_tag('libraries/jquery.js') }} {{ script_tag('components/utils-auth.js') }} {% block css %}{% endblock %}
{# obtener el path de la ruta #} {% set path = app.request.pathInfo %} {% set lastSegment = path|split('/')|last %} {% if isForm is defined and isForm == true %} {{ include("components/page-loader.html.twig") }} {% endif %} {# {% if not maintenance %} #} {# {% endif %} #} {# End Header #} {% block body %}{% endblock %} {# Footer #} {# {% if not maintenance %} #} {# {% endif %} #} {# End Footer #} {# Novamar Message Modal #} {# --- Google translater --- #} {{ include('components/googleTranslater.twig', { option : '' } ) }} {% if app.environment =='prod' %} {% if pageConfig is defined and pageConfig == 'OF' %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {# #} {# #} {% if isForm is defined and isForm == true %} {% endif %} {{ script_tag('libraries/sticky.js') }} {{ script_tag('components/main.js') }} {{ script_tag('components/user-tools.js')}} {# #} {% block scripts %} {% endblock %}