{% if app.environment == 'prod' %} {# #} {% endif %} {% block metas %}{% endblock %} {{ include('seo/analytics.twig') }} {# Bootstrap css #} {# Iconos font awsome css #} {# Header css #} {{encore_entry_link_tags('header')}} {{encore_entry_link_tags('footer')}} {# main css and old base scripts#} {# metas que se incluian en el archivo de header-old-metas #} {{encore_entry_link_tags('normalize')}} {{ include('seo/pixel-general.html.twig') }} {% if app.environment == 'prod' %} {% endif %} {# estilos para el loader #} {{ encore_entry_link_tags('loader') }} {# general CSS #} {{ encore_entry_link_tags('general') }} {% block css %}{% endblock %} {% block js %}{% endblock %} {# se movio al body por el diagnostico de la herramienta del SEO (05/ene/23) #} {% if app.environment == 'prod' %} {% endif %} {# Inicio de la seccion para el loader #} {% if app.request.pathinfo != '/producers' and seoManagement.loaderStatus == true %}
At Novamar "It's About You, Our Client"
Novamar insurance loading logo
{% endif %} {% if showHeader is defined and showHeader == false %} {% else %} {% if page is defined %} {{ include('components/header.html.twig', { option : page } ) }} {% else %} {{ include('components/header.html.twig', { option : '' } ) }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% block body %}{% endblock %} {% if showFooter is not defined %} {{ include('components/footer.html.twig', { option : '' } ) }} {% else %} {% if showFooter == true %} {{ include('components/footer.html.twig', { option : '' } ) }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {# javacript del body #} {{encore_entry_script_tags('mainJS')}} {{ include('seo/contact-point-novamar.html.twig') }} {{ include('seo/clarity.html.twig') }} {{ include('seo/smart-look.html.twig') }} {{encore_entry_script_tags('headerJS')}} {# comprobamos que se haya cargado la pagina completamente para remover el loader#} {% block javascript %}{% endblock %} {% block schema %}{% endblock %}